Revalina S Temat was born in Jakarta, 26 November,26 1985 (23 years old) is a model player and Indonesia soap opera. Princess couples and Sayutii Tematt this Rachmaniarr soared after starring in soap operas "Bawang Merah Bawang Putih".
Children to 3 of 4 brothers began his career as a champion favorite cover girl contest elections in 1999, later extended to the model and soap operas and feature films.
In 2006, Reva, so familiar call, try out the big screen with starring Pocong 2. In this film Pocong 2, Reva act as Maya, a woman who met daily with pocong, even have a boyfriend pocong.
Revalina had a relationship with a man of Arab descent, Kemal Idris, and the Cendana family members, Panji Trihatmodjo, son of Bambang Trihatmodjo. Their relationship did not last long.
Revalina S Temat name is known for his roles in soap operas and movies-starring roles in feature films. But now lover Ringgoo Aguss Rahmann also expanded into the world of drag votes.
"For me this new experience, there's no harm in trying," said the actress was born in Jakarta, 26 November 1985 that when asked his choice to pull the world to cultivate votes.
Revalina that he usually called, was joined by Intan Nuraini, Melanie Putria, and Asmirandah in compilation release titled Ramadan "SANG PENCIPTAKU VOL 2". And the album was produced by Rossa, Reva was also creating his own song.
"Yes I sing one song on this album and it was his own creation. Usually, I created the song not only personal experience, but also the experience of people, even one I created that song about street children, many still inspiration," she explained.